Wraparound Services

Wraparound Services

About These Services

Wraparound Services are a highly individualized planning process for children and adolescents. Wraparound utilizes a Child and Family Team consisting of team members chosen by the family and often representing multiple agencies and informal supports. The Wraparound plan is the result of a collaborative team planning process focusing on unique strengths, values, and preferences of the child/adolescent and family.

Criteria for Wraparound includes:

  • Children/youth involved in multiple child/youth serving systems.
  • Children/youth at risk of out-of-home placements or are currently in out-of-home placement.
  • Children/youth who have received other mental health services with minimal improvement in functioning.
  • Risk factors exceed capacity for traditional community-based options.
  • Numerous providers working with multiple children/youth in a family with identified outcomes not being met.

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